
Save Our Pubs!

Conservatives recognise the value of local pubs as both places to have fun and as community hubs. 

Simon Nundy for Evelyn

Simon Nundy is the Conservative candidate for the Evelyn by-election on Thursday 28 March.

Labour PFI fiasco threatens Lewisham A&E

Lewisham Hospital's A&E Department is under threat of closure as Labour's flawed funding schemes rack up huge debts for the Health Trust. 

Blackheath Tories call for "Snow Friends" scheme

Local Conservatives have called for Lewisham Council to adopt a scheme successfully piloted in Bromley that enlists the support of volunteer residents to help clear snow and ice from residential streets that are missed out by current emergency salting and clearance routes.

Lottery Funding Comes to Grove Park

The Big Lottery Fund has allocated £1 million to be spent on local projects in the South East part of Grove Park Ward between Chinbrook Meadows and the Bromley border. Whilst the funds will be held and provided by the 'Big Local' the planning and decision making will be the responsibility of local residents and community groups.

Lewisham Council Round-up

Catford Bridge Tavern, Quangos, spending and Lewisham Gateway. Cuts to rehabilitation services but new quango spending.