
Winter Waste Watch

As the days get shorter and the country gears up for the colder weather of winter, we take a look at what the Labour Council is doing with your hard-earned cash.

Hundreds Attend Funeral of Unknown Penge War Veteran

Hundreds of people from across the UK have attended the funeral of a Penge War Veteran they never knew. Harold Jellicoe Percival, known as Coe, died in a Lancashire nursing home last month, age 99, with no children and having never married.

Labour U-Turn on Parking Permits

Following sustained opposition pressure, Labour's Lewisham Council have backtracked on their move to make applications for CPZs only available online or through the premium 0845 number.

Victory for the People of Lewisham!

The people of Lewisham were yesterday vindicated as the high court threw out an appeal to downgrade the services at Lewisham hospital.