Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, should resign and call a by-election petition.

Following his selection to fight an election 120 miles away in Bristol, Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, should resign and call a by-election.


We are campaigning for a strong and active voice in Lewisham, that is why Damien Egan should resign. Put Lewisham first, and stand up for residents, not Bristol. 


As Mayor, Mr Egan has special responsibilities in our community, yet with his priorities hundreds of miles away. Sign our petition to remove him.






Sign the petition if you think Mayor of Lewisham, Damien Egan, should resign and call a by-election.

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By agreeing, you agree to the Lewisham Conservatives and the wider Conservative party to store and use your data to keep you up to date with this issue and other issues in the future. All GDPR rules will be followed. The petition will be presented to the relevant authorities.
Damien Egan is now in Bristol seeking election there. Sign our petition if you think he should resign from his role as Mayor of Lewisham.